CEF: Deloitte Notice to Depositors Apr 1, 2020

The CCAA Monitor website for the Lutheran Ch​urch - Canada,  the Alberta - British Columbia District et. al.​​​​​​​​​ bankruptcy has been updated with the following entry: 8. Notice to CEF depositors re final distribution, dated April 1, 2020 Long story short - The scheduled Apr 22, 2020 court appearance to get approval for the final distribution... Continue Reading →

Fun Friday: Apr 3, 2020

From The Babylon Bee Congregation Gently Informs Pastor The Babylon Bee Is Satire WILLOW FALLS, NY—Pastor Chuck Nielsen of Foundations Church prides himself on his powerful, moving sermons. But congregants began to grow concerned when Nielsen referenced articles from popular satire site The Babylon Bee in nearly every message. "At first, we thought he was playing... Continue Reading →

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