Because Idle Hands are the Devil’s Playthings…

It doesn't happen too often that I find myself longer on time than I am on work. And, rather than succum to the temptation to cause more mischief than usual, I decided to complete a project I've been thinking about doing for a long time - namely downloading all the PDF documents from the Deloitte... Continue Reading →

Sage: Ummm..not so fast…

Yesterday I wrote a post claiming that with the sale of the seniors facilities, Sage's job was done. Then a faithful reader gently reminded me that ... "The school is the last asset to be sold.  Sage signed a conditional agreement to purchase with Third Academy just before the shareholder's meeting.  If this sale happens,... Continue Reading →

Sage: It Is Finished

This just landed in my "inbox". At long last, years after the Jan 2015 "sufficient funds" announcement which led to the disclosure that ABC District clergy and other officials had been misrepresenting the security of CEF funds, that the CEF funds had breached the trust of the depositors by using it for a speculative business... Continue Reading →

Sage Update – Sept 2, 2022

Some mixed news from Sage's mailing list. I haven't seen it on their website yet so I'm quoting it in its entirety here. ANO September 2, 2022 Dear Shareholder, Please see the below update from the management and the board of Sage Properties Corp. (“Sage”): A. Waterline Update The Conrich Waterline to the Prince of... Continue Reading →

CEF/DIL: Refuting the Unofficial Party Line

When the whole ABC District debacle debuted in Jan 2105, depositors that'd trusted the Lutheran Church with their funds were treated rather shabbily - good information wasn't forthcoming, District officials misrepresented what had actually happened, District struck a Task Force to investigate what happened and when the task force issued its first report, disbanded the... Continue Reading →

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